Apartment building in LA accessible thanks to Genesis Enclosure installation

  • Product: Genesis Enclosure
  • Installed by: McKinley Elevator Corporation
  • Location: Apartment building in Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Installation year: 2021

To make a new apartment building in Los Angeles, California accessible our dealer McKinley Elevator installed an outdoor Genesis Enclosure. Our new standard Silvermoon color of the lift perfectly matches the surrounding area!

Thanks to McKinley’s fantastic job residents and visitors can easily access the apartment building. 


About the Genesis Enclosure: 

The Genesis Enclosure Model is a vertical platform wheelchair lift that provides access in private or commercial buildings. No shaft construction is needed, and a variety of optional features allow for extensive customization for your individual project.


  • No shaft construction
  • Modular
  • Indoor / Outdoor
  • Aluminium enclosure

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