Garaventa Lift Technical Trainings Available In US And CA

Why Attend?

Properly trained Technicians use their training to achieve installations and repairs in less time and with more confidence because they have the experience to handle whatever they may face in the field. The training received in these courses is very relevant and up to date. These courses are also an excellent opportunity to share information and experience with others who face the same issues as you on a daily basis. Training pays for itself in the efficiency and confidence it instills in those who attend. Customer confidence and satisfaction increases as Technicians gain the vital tools to allow them to complete their work safely and efficiently.

Who Should Attend?

Technicians performing any installation and service of Garaventa lifts. It is also a great opportunity for experienced technicians to update their knowledge. Get the latest product knowledge and installation tips!


A limited number of seats are available. Book your place as soon as possible. Pick the course you want to attend and register.


Garaventa will pay for materials, lunch and refreshments provided during the seminar. We will also pay 50% of your airfare and hotel room costs through the co-op program (provided you have enough co-op credits). For a complete explanation of the co-op program, please refer to the Co-Op Policy in the Marketing section of this website. Apart from the other 50% of Airfare and hotel room, you will be responsible for the cost of transportation to the hotel, and your food outside the seminar.

How to register?

Send an email to our technical training co-ordinator, or our training manager, Discover the full training schedule on our Support Site. (Tech Support/Technical Training)